Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I'm Done With Dinner!

I am hereby officially done trying to make dinner! For many, many months now I've been cooking healthy, real, somewhat time consuming meals. I've chanted the food pyramid while studiously writing my shopping lists. And for what!? Whines that's what! Every night, before the plates even touch the table, I hear "Eeewww does that have onions, beef, vegetables, tomato sauce.....ect. in it?" I'm done! Tonight I made a meal that I made just a few weeks ago. I thought I was safe. The last time I made it all 3 kids had seconds. Tonight all 3 walked away from the table after 2-3 bites! What! From now on I'm saving time and money. PB&J's for all! I figure if it becomes boring we could always spice it up a bit. How about alternating jellies! We could have strawberry, peach, and then grape. Then we could try jam, or how about preserves?! Oh, then we could go from smooth PB to chunky PB. Fascinating! Ahhh! How about breads? White, whole wheat, stone ground wheat, fake wheat, rye, pumpernickel, sourdough, toasted.....oh the possibilities are endless! How fun! Yep, yep that's it! From now on dinner will be PB& J's for all! Oh, who the hell am I kidding! Ya know one will only like strawberry jelly on white bread with chunky PB, while the other will want grape jam with smooth PB on a roll and another will want it with half strawberry jelly & half peach preserves with no PB on beepin' cheese! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Oh! I am so close to screaming stories about starving children in Africa!


Unknown said...

Thank you. I am so glad I found your blog. We must have similar ideas as I just told eveyone it was hot dogs and chips and ice cream from now on, LOL. I was in a really bad mood and you cheared me up.
Thanks again,

Anonymous said...

Here's what we do: I make what I want. If the kids don't like it, they have one other option: they can MAKE THEMSELVES a PB& J.

Also, they must have a veggie. If they don't like what I'm serving, they have to prepare their own BEFORE WE SIT DOWN.
