Wednesday, April 23, 2008

PA Loves Hilllary!

Hillary won PA! Yeah! I don't have to move.....yet. I had myself sick yesterday waiting for the election results. Even after watching CNN's election coverage and the candidate's speeches, I still don't understand what people see in Obama! As a child I remember viewing the President as a noble, regal leader. My kids see the President as an oaf! The upside of this view, they can see the possibility of themselves actually becoming President of our country! Wow! I know all three of my children, ages 8, 6 and 2, are already more intelligent than the moron we currently have "leading" us! I just pray Hillary is able to make it and clinch the nomination. For all those who may care, visit and donate $5. Just $5! Common! You know you can do it. If I can, you can! She needs to beat Obama! Just watching that man speak makes my skin crawl. I refuse to have my children grow up to watch the Presidential office filled with morons and misdirected dreamers. I mean for heaven's sake, Obamas leading base seems to be young college students. Twenty something college students! Yeah, that's who I want choosing our leader. Pot smoking, keg standing, political wannabes! Open a history book people! Washington is firmly based on back scratching. I know whose backs the Clinton's have been scratching. They've been an open book since the mid 90's. Obama? He took a vacation to the Virgin Islands right in the middle of campaigning! To meet who?! Sounds a little suspicious to me. Yeah, his family needed a vacation. So, Obama are you planning on packing up on going to the beach every time things get a little stressful? Plan on taking a week off every time your kids need some "Daddy time". How about this, back it up, raise your children, scratch some backs, sign yourself up for some leader training and comeback in 8 years.