Sunday, April 27, 2008

James Is Still A Republican

Ok, for all of those who may be worried...... James is (unfortunately) still a Republican. I noticed the comment in response to my "PA Loves Hillary" post. I figured I'd better issue the previous disclaimer. I begged him to change his party in preparation for the primary. His comment, "If I did that, Scott might fall over dead from a heart attach!" Ok, he's worried about his brother, who lives in Gettysburg, finding out and dying from shock. Understood, however, I could maim him in his sleep. Seriously, which should he be more afraid of! I know he's rooting for Mc Cain. Ugh! He reminds me of "The Man". He is the depiction of the typical uptight, white aristocrat. Yep, that's who I want running he country! Someone who has no sense of reality! James argues that he has the military experience to direct our path in the war. Great! Hillary can make him chief military advisor! Obviously he didn't have enough sense to keep himself out of a POW camp. THINK ABOUT IT PEOPLE!

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