Saturday, July 5, 2008

If You Are A Blood Realitive Of A Klahold (Or A Hunt) Stop Reading Here

Ok, obviously if you are reading this you are not a Klahold or a Hunt. If you are a Klahold or a Hunt, well you've been warned. I am currently so angry I could spit! Oh, wait I'm sure I've been spitting as I released my venom on my Mom, my Sister and James. You see, today I spent 7 hours digging through garbage, spiders, rat shit and poison. Why? Well my mother-in-law has finally decided to sell her property. In order to do this farm machinery (mainly severely rusted and in pieces) needs to be dug out of piles of weeds and poison. I mean honestly, we're not talking a few weeds, we're talking find a piece of metal peaking out of the woods and then start digging. I never thought I'd know the joy of uncovering machinery. For those who didn't marry into the less fortunate side of the Clampet's, let me explain. One walks through the woods until you bump into something that feels like metal. Then you take a large metal gardening rake and scrape it over the metal until you can identify the form. Then you have the joy of yelling "Ah, look I found a plow!" Seriously, Christmas has NOTHING on this! In fact I found a Lincoln Welder today! Now, growing up in a welding family I saw LOTS of welders. I must say none of them were as creative as this one! Not only was it completely covered with poison on the outside, it actually had poison growing up through the inside. The only clue I had as to what it might be was the tell-tale Lincoln logo peeking out through the mass of vines. So, after spending my day digging through a landfill. My husband informs me that his mother told him to "Tell his wife to be quiet." REALLY? Now, I wonder why James waited until we got home to tell me such a thing. Well, since I've been forbidden to call Vonny (my mother-in-law) I've decided to just post my reaction here..... (1) You have a problem..... tell ME. If I upset you, tell ME. I call it like I see it, I always have, if this bothers you call me on it! (2) What exactly did I say that upset you? Here is a list of possibilities..... (a) "The only thing that will clean this house is a bulldozer!" (No reason to get upset, this is TRUE... notice no one brought cleaning supplies today, only metal rakes and shovels. A bulldozer WILL BE the only thing cleaning the house.) (b) "How the hell does a house ever get like this!" (This is also a TRUE. How the hell does a house ever get like that! Oh, and please don't blame it on "the boys", YOU were the parent, they were the children! Grab a mop, grab a bucket and throw the greasy shit outside! Oh, oh, oh! And the yard! I can hear it now! "The boys would never....mow, weed etc." Well throw a freakin match out the front door. They would have started running as soon as the flames started flickin the barn!) (c) "You don't get to watch the races when you have THIS to deal with!" (Again.... TRUE! If you need $ and the only way to get $ is to sell property, scrap metal, books, machinery then your butt had better be helping with the process NOT parking in front of Nascar!) (d) "It didn't look like this when Walt died." (TRUE, and self explanatory! It DIDN'T look like that when Walt died! For example, one could see the kitchen floor! (e) "When you're gone, I'm roasting marshmallows over these books." (Yet again...TRUE! What does anyone need with THAT many books! There is easily thousands upon thousands of romance novels! Why? Read it and pass it along! There will be others. Just read it and pass it along.) (f) "What is she planning on doing, bubble wrapping the dishes with the rat shit on them?!" (Ok Vonny, seriously what are you planning on doing with those dishes? There is no running water in the house and you want to save dishes that are covered in rat shit! Some of the dishes even have food on them still! EEEWWW!) Aside from those comments I don't know what I could have said that would lead you to think I needed to be silenced. However, since I have the chance, let me just say..... half the crap you took to Dawn's house today (ex. boxes of unopened bills and statements from 2002-2003) is only going to clutter her home. I think it is a sick disgrace that you would want to clutter your child's home the way you have cluttered your own! Well, after immersing my self in poison and the black plague my "thank you " comes in the form of "Tell your wife to be quiet!" Therefore I'm done, good luck working on the rest. Now how exactly do you plan on accomplishing anything with your "too sore to actually do anything feet"? Yeah, good luck with all that, I'm sure as hell not going back down there and I think James may have other things to occupy his time. So, have fun digging out farm equipment, gathering up all the farm machinery and hauling all that crap out of that house. I (a.k.a we) are done!

1 comment:

Wendy said...

I was laughing so hard! If you start noticing any weeping sores or painful carbuncles go to the doctor. You may have MRSA.