Wednesday, May 7, 2008

An Odd Evening With My Sister

Tonight my sister and her girls came over for dinner. The kids were full of energy and the weather was warm so we decided to eat outside. As usual, the kids finished and ran off to play. My sister and I stayed at the table and attempted to hold a conversation. Key word is attempt. The "conversation" actually went something like this: "Yeah, Hayden's pretty bummed since William won't be around anymore. No, that's broccoli not a little tree. I'm not asking you to eat a tree. I'm asking you to eat your vegetables. She changed his bus stop and expects her Dad to run over to her place every afternoon! What! What! Stop yelling in my ear! What on God's green earth could you possibly need. No, you do not need the car keys. NO! Your football isn't in the car. I don't' know where it is, but I just cleaned out the car and your football wasn't in it. No, your not looking for it. IT ISN'T IN THE CAR. I know, the woman is crazy. And why does her Dad agree to do it?! She as no idea what her actions are doing to her kids. WHY ARE YOU ALL IN THE CAR?! Get out! Now! Well I guess it's only on her nights but she did it without telling Josh and William first! Can you imagine how William must have felt..... Why is the hose on? Who turned it on? Turn it off. Now! Why are her new shoes soaked. Ok, up on your bed now!" How is that considered a conversation?! I suppose it's more like a "momsversation". Ya have a child and all the sudden you're immediately able to talk about 3 or more things a once! Amazing! To make the evening even more entertaining, Reid found an intact robins egg. It only had a few small cracks where it may have hit the ground. "Can I keep it?" he asks. "Sure, but it stays outside" I responded. Reid walks away lovingly holding his robin's egg. Moments later he returns...."Mama, I put my egg in the back of my dump truck and Rosa sat in my dump truck and now she has egg juice on her butt." Sure enough, Rosa has "egg juice" on her butt. Oh, and let's not forget, during tonight's events the children also taught my sister and I that...... (a)6 year olds cannot hang from the top bar of a swing set by plastic handcuffs (b) 2 year olds feel the need to soak their socks in a watering can before balling them up and placing them in their dry shoes (c) rocks should not be thrown at the van and (d) "I'm bored" actually translates into..."You won't let me do everything I want to do, whenever I want to do it!"

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