Friday, December 7, 2007

American Heros

During this time of year I can't help but think of America's heros. As most people know I hate history. It's boring. Therefore, I married a history genius. By marriage I am now a very educated historian (provided I am standing directly next to James). Anyhow, why does this time of year make me think of America's heros, you ask? Well, I can't help but wonder if Elizabeth Cady Stanton stood in the front of her mother's shopping cart, stiff as a board, refusing to sit while SCREAMING "LET ME OUT!" If anyone reading this was a Target while Ella was doing this, I would like to apologize. However, if you are reading this you know me, if you know me then you should realize I WILL NOT GIVE IN! Sit or scream either way I am purchasing the items on my list! Did I mention I love the second year of life? Two, ah, lovely terrible two! Although Reid taught the lesson of 3 can be worse than 2, but let's not go there. Oh, before I leave my thoughts on American heros, do you think the Wright Brothers were experts on manipulation, harassment and assault from the top bunk of the bunk bed?
I know I have fantastic, bright, funny, amazing children. I know I am blessed beyond my own worth. I just want to know it's going to turn out OK. God gave them to me, I know he won't let them down. What am I saying, as I look around at others who have grown children I can't help but thinking, this might be as good as it gets. I know where they are sleeping, I know who they are with, and my babies still love me! Life is so good!

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